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Vocabulary: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
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(Deeper eplanations)
(Deeper eplanations)
Zeile 21: Zeile 21:
   If you learn the vocabulary with pictures, you remember the pictures first and then the words.
   If you learn the vocabulary with pictures, you remember the pictures first and then the words.
  When you learn the vocabulary while moving or when you sing them , your braín connect the words with good moments.

Version vom 23. März 2017, 09:07 Uhr

Basic rule

-learn vocabulary with word pairs
e.g.: sad-happy, hopeless-hopefull

-learn vocabulary with pictures
e.g.: football-Fußball(bild)

-learn vocabulary while moving

-sing the vocabulary

Deeper eplanations

  When you form vocabulary pairs, you can keep them better in mind.
  If you learn the vocabulary with pictures, you remember the pictures first and then the words.

  When you learn the vocabulary while moving or when you sing them , your braín connect the words with good moments.