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Discrimation of the dark-skinned communities in the USA: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The discrimination and opression of dark-skinned communities in the United States of America is still a very big problem, despite many well knwon icons and cel…“)

Version vom 20. Februar 2019, 08:00 Uhr

The discrimination and opression of dark-skinned communities in the United States of America is still a very big problem, despite many well knwon icons and celebreties from the USA are dark-skinned for example one of the most popular presidents of the United States Barack Obama.
Portrait of Barack Obama (2012), President of the USA from 2009 - 2017. His presidancy was seen as the dream of Luther King coming true.
The racism in the USA has a long history, it traces back to the 17th century, but after many famous human right activists for the rights black people for example Martin Luther King there still are news about racist attacs on dark-skinned and the KKK is still very popular.



Important proceedings

Other famous activists

Martin Luther King


History of KKK

KKK today

Aid programms for exits

Racism against black people in the USA today

Racism in the publicity

See also
