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Aniston's Reading Log

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1. Chapter

The novel „Snakeman“ was written by Paul Davenport and was 2002 published. In the first chapter of Snakeman begins with a life career. The life career is about Cathy. There was written, that Cathy in five years changed her school triply. Moreover was written, that she liked people and she liked beeing a part of a group.

Her new homeroom teacher was Mr. Deedles. After she introduces her self, cames a classmate to her. His name was Jamie Hanson. He wrote for the school newspaper. He will be make a interview with Cathy. They will meet in front oft the Caferteria.In the interview, she was polled for example her hobbys. After that, she met her new Spanish teacher. His name was Mr. Ferrero. She likes her new English, because Mr. Ferrero was very funny. But she doesn’t like her math teacher Mr. Arnold, but the teacher is really friendly. The problem is, that she doesen‘t so good in Math.

     from: Aniston