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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).story: Breaking rules at the Great Bear Trail
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Chapter Seven is about Josh not having so much time for the park because of the school. When he finally goes to the ranger station again. He meets the Ranger Logan as he talks to a girl it's called Bridget Campbell. Josh knows her from school. She works at the school newspaper and wants to write a report on the White Mountain National Forest. Josh says that she could write about the highest mountain, for example. But Bridget says that it should be something special, which cannot be read on the internet. Josh thinks and then remembers Vinnie and Russ and knows what to write about. About illegal camping.
Pepper Spray in Paradise, Chapter Seven
Josh hadn’t so much free time because the school has begun. After school he went to the ranger station where he saw Ranger Logan talking to Bridget Campbell, a girl of his school. She writes the school newspaper and wants to write a report about the White Mountain National Forest. Bridget said that she wants to write about something special. Josh said that she can wrote about illegal camping and Bridget found the Idea good.
Pepper Spray in Pradise / Josh and Bridget / Chapter seven
The school have begun again, the summer holidays are around and Josh has little free time for himself or activities. When he has free time, he go to the ranger station. Josh see that Ranger Logan was talking to a girl. It was Bridget Campbell from his school. She writes for the school paper and want to write a report on the White Mountain National Forest. Bridget say she wanted to write about something special. Josh has a idea to write about illegal camping. He suggest it and Bridget find the idea super.
Peper Spray in Paradise
If you are camping, there and you make a fire and you leave because the fire can spread. If the fire spreads, then the whole forest can burn, and one would destroy the home of many wild animals. The forests in the world are already quite minimized and if then still a huge forest would burn down, that even harm people. If there are no forests, there is nothing that converts our CO2 emissions into oxygen, and that's how people would die. So if it is forbidden to camp somewhere, then keep this prohibition a second you can kill people.
Josh and Bridget – Chapter 7
In Josh less Time for the park, he was sad but he made the best of it. Josh thank God that he still had the weekends. In this week he met Bridget. In the Ranger Station heard voices. Throught the open door he saw a girl that talking with Ranger Logan. She was wearing a baseball cap. Ranger Logan tell Josh about Bridget. Bridget is the reporter for the school newspaper. Bridget want a interesting story about the national forest. Josh think illegal camping was a good idea, but Bridget think that isn´t interesting. So they want to wrote about the great bear trail. At the end Bridget say that Josh is the Boss.
After the summer varacation ended, Josh went in to the school. When he camed back he wented in the park. But then he heard some noises at the Ranger Station and he saw at the opend door, with a girl at his age. She talked with the Ranger and he knowed her. After he realized the girl, he was talked to the girl. Then the children talked. The girl was a reporter and she reports for their school and she reported about the park. When Josh realized that, he had many information’s for the girl. And he told´s the girl a very special story about the park. Then he tolded her about the illegal things what happened, and she was so excited about that.
Chapter 7:
Josh hadn't much time for the park, because the school goes ahead. After school he want again to the ranger station when he heard voices. He opened the door he saw a girl about his age. Josh smiled and tried to answer but couldn't at first. Josh think that knew Bridget had pulled a notebook and pencil out of her backpack. Hit is camping against the park rules. There was anger in Bridget's voice. He think it's sometimes or readers should know about. He have to got out and get it. You're the boss, Josh. Lead the way!
Pepper Spray in Paradise, Chapter 7
When the summer holidays were over, Josh didn't have much time to visit the WMNF. After school he went to the WMNF, but it was only for short Time because he had to go back home. So he went to the WMNF every weekend.
On a weekend, he went to Ranger station and met Ranger Logan. He introduced him to Bridget, and tell him that she written a Report and Josh should show her the WMNF. So Josh showed her a side of the park that no one else knows...
Illegal camping is very dangerous for the campers, and for other tourists, because they can make for example fire in the summer, when the grass is very dry, and easy to burn up. But that can also be quiet dangerous, when they cook food, like fish or beef. Bears, or other big animals can smell it, and they'll try to get some of this food. Also, illegal campers often build a hut, and they're lumber jacking the wood for these huts themselves, but they don't think of, that's a conversation area. That's why it's very dangerous, but many of the tourist still do illegal camping.
If Josh and Bridget go into the park they could see positive or negative things. For example great and shy animals, otherways there could be tourists, which break the park rules. Also there could be amazing landscapes like hills or even mountains and where they walk there could be a river, a forest or a valley.
In the quiet places of the park can be a lot of animals. Rabbits, bears, moose, dear, and a lot of more animals are there. The natur is amazing there and you can see beatiful things and also you can chill very good.
But when they are on ways, where most of the tourists are, they will see a lot of rubbish and damage. That is very bad, because the animals will be ill if they eat the rubbish. When people drive through the natur, the natur get broken and that's bad for the animals too.
Chapter 7/ Bridget and Josh
When the summer vacation ended, Josh had so much free time. He had also go in the weekend to the WMNF.
He went to the Ranger Station and met a girl her name is Bridget Campbell. The Girl wear a baseball cape. Logan told Josh something about Bridget. Bridget is the reporter for the school newspaper. He wrote a story about the international forest.
Josh help Bridget by the story. Bridget smiled took out her notebook. Josh that that Bridget write a story you could´t find in the internet.