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A report is a text type which you can read quite often, e.g. on the internet, in a magazine or in a newspaper.

The five Ws






(Sometimes also How?)

But it is not a text type for professionals only, because also students use a report to tell their friends interesting news.

Write a report about an event (real or fictional) in your free time. Write about 100 words and answer all the questions. Use active and passive sentences!

Upload the text together with your name below. Deadline: 25 February, 18:00



7th of March my birthday was begun in the morning and I had lots of presents became. On this day I have fun. On Friday my best friend Jonathan and I went in the forest. We saw lots of animals. Sometimes a deer or squirrel. After two hours we went home and we had many things (aus dem Wald mitgebracht). We go because my friend lifes in the city cologne and he didn’t see an forest. He would see some animals in the wild. He didn’t see wild animals, he see animals in the zoo.


On Monday the 12th was a big Football match in our Village. Me and my team played against the “Schleidener FC”.

In the first half we scored 2 goals, one goal was scored by our best player Tim and one goal was scored by me.

In the halftime-break our trainer changed some players. With our new line-up we haven’t score any goal in the first half. Our trainer was getting angry and changed the players back. At least we won with a 3-1.

Lisa Marie

Report: My freetime

Last Sunday, there was a riding show in the horse stable, to see who can ride best.

Everything was beautifully decorated, the horses were shiny clean. All the riders had to put on riding uniforms. 56 people took part with their horses. It was an interesting fight. Who will win? 6 people and their horses were disqualified because their horses refused more than three times or they fall off their horse, but luckily, nobody was hurt.

The horse Kentucky and his rider made the second place and the horse Little-Black-Beauty made the first place. The riders got a medal and the horses a loop in gold, silver or other colours. It was a really good day and everybody was happy in the end.


On Saturday the 24th February was a big swimming competition in a swimming pool in Firmenich. The Clara Fey Gymnasium plays against the Hermann Josef Kolleg. The winner Price was 100€. The Competition took 1h with a little half-time.

The CFG swam in the first time 34 traces in 12 minutes and the other School swam 32 traces in 12 minutes. So the CFG win the first half Time.

The second half time had an exciting ending because one player from CFG has swum in the Final two secundes faster than the other player from the other School.

The CFG were very happy and become the 100€ as winner price.


On Saturday the 17th February there was a Football match at the pitch in Kall. Kall played against Hellenthal. The match started at 2:30pm and there were lots of supporters.

Kall scored a goal at the second minute. At the 29th minute Hellenthal equalized. It looked like the first half endet one both, but three minutes before the half endet, Kall's Tim Hooley was foulded by Hellenthal. So Tim Hooley got a Penalty and scored the second goal for his team. At the second half there wasn't a goal anymore. The final score was Kall: 2 Hellenthal: 1



In the summer was the Gamescom in Cologne. I was two times there, one time with my mother and one time with my aunt. There was a problem when I drove to the Gamescom with the train. There was a malfunction with the rails. After one hour the train drives again. As we were at the entrance, we came very quick to all games. We saw many very nice games like Breakaway. Breakaway was made by amazon and Twitch. After six hours we were again at home. It was a very nice day! At the second day, we came quicker to the entrance because there was no problem with the rails, but we were after 3 hours again at home because I had seen already all games and it wasn’t interesting for me. My aunt was bored too. As we were at home, my aunt bought a very nice game named “Overwatch” for me. It was very expensive but it was worth.


Our carnival train On Sunday morning. My parents, my Sister, Luna and me woked up early. We did that because body must ready for our carnival train. When we all ready, at 13am, we droved to the train. When we came to it we talked a lot and maked everything ready, for the carnival train. We talked about the trips we do and a lot of more things. At I think 14pm we start. I said, it´s so nice and I think we have a lot of fun`. The princess answers, Yes it´s very nice`. So the train starts. We droved thought our City. It was very funny and we had a lot of fans. Me and my friends were very happy about that tour. We smiled for all of the time, and it was very nice. After the carnival train, we went in to a Resaurant.


On Saturday the 20th January me and my dance group were in a carnival competition in Hellenthal. We performed our dance without doing a single mistake. The theme of our dance was stone age people.

After that, medals were distributed to our group by the prince couple. Then we looked at the dances performed by other groups. Before this competition we met every Wednesday, with the aim to deliver a better performance.

All of a our members enjoy dancing within the group. Additionally we ate chips, drank something here and there and then, after this awesome day, we went back home.


On Saturday the 24th February was a big Match. Me and my Team played against the "SG Mechernich".

In the first half Mechernich scored a Goal. The Goal was scored by James, the striker of Mechernich.

In the twice half our Team scored 3 Goals. One Goal scored Marco and the other Goals scored by me. Our coach was very cheerful and gave us an ice cream.


On Wednesday the 22nd October, was our Classtrip we all met in front of the school in the morning. We were went to our class and our teacher was checked that nobody was missing. After twenty minutes the Bus was came and we were drove to the Hostel in "Waldbröl" In the Bus My Teacher was carefully checked that nobody was missing. At the Hostal we were went in our rooms and after 10 minutes we went in the forest. The weather was very rainy and stormy. In The forest we played class games . On the second day we visited "Waldbröl" and all in all we have a very nice Classtrip


Dance competition

Last Wednesday the 12th June, was a Dance competition in my dance studio. The competition is one's a year, there you can see who was or is the best dancer. You can dance Hip - Hop, ballett, jazz or more. The people give you points from 1 to 10. That's very interesting because you can see, there you was the best or not the best dancer there. My coach give me tipps about and for my dance moves. She is a very nice woman.

Every´body was happy at the end.