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Dear diary,

At the end of the nationalpark we came to a beautiful countryside. Before we come to the beatiful countryside we acrossed a steel Mountain. There were many pretty cottages and very nice fields. There were beautiful animals like horses or sheep. I wanted to touch a tall horse. There were many friendly people too. After the walking through the countryside we went by bus back to our hostel. At the ride I wondered what was the message inside the bottle. I wanted to read the message inside the waterbottle. The message inside the bottle was: ‘‘Hi Emily! Here is Dylan I’m so sorry that I made fun of you, because you can’t speak so well Welsh. Can we will be good friends, Emily?‘‘ When we arrived at the hostel we had delicious lunch. I ate fresh noodles with a tasty sauce. After that we joined in special school competitions. At the evening I slept in my bed. Now I have good dreams, because maybe Dylan will be a good friend from me. What do you think, diary? Do you think today was a great experience? I think so, yes it was a brilliant experience.

See you soon

Your Emily


Dear diary,

Today was my classtrip to Snowdonia National Park. At the beginning I was really excited and really curious how it looks there. In the bus, all children were loud and already very excited too. Mrs Grant sayed that everyone must have a partner. She didn´t want to lose somebody. I was really sure that nobody wanted to be my partner. But just in this moment, Dylan asked me. I was really happy and we started to talking. Dylan is often in the Snowdonia National Park. Than Dylan said. „ If I had a kayak, I´d paddled right down from the top oft he waterfall to this pool.“ But Philip and I thinked that is a stupid idea. We started a test with a water bottle. Dylan wrote something on a piece of paper and put it into the bottle. He threw it into the waterfall. I tried to fish it out, but it was too far from the edge. I was really sad. But just then, Philip toke it out oft he water. But suddenly Dylan ran over to Philip, grabbed the bottle, and gave it to me. I was so surprised and thought about what can be in there. We were again on our way with Mrs Grant and the others. And on the way back to the bus, we all sang together the hammer song. I will never forget this classtrip. It was just beautiful. And I´m really looking forward to the note from Dylan. What can be in there?

See you soon,

Your Emily


Dear diary,

I was with my class at the National Park in Snowdon. When we arrived our teacher said to us that we should seek a partner to work with. My partner was Dylan whom I did not like so much in the beginning. He was already here often he knew his way around well and could show me a lot of nice things. For example, a very beautiful waterfall where you could paddle down with a kayak. We climbed stones to have a better view. Besides we had a great idea, I wanted to make a message in the bottle. Luckily Dylan had a paper and a pen where you could write something on it. I still had a bottle. As soon as the bottle was finished, she did not see anyone, so I quickly put her in the river very carefully. At the end of the day we sang a song together. It was the best class trip😊

See you soon

Emily 😊