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My favourite hobby is dancing. I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old. I dance Thursday in Kall with 11 others children and two trainers.

Our trainers are cool, they dance too, but in another club. I dance for carnival and I have lots of dance performances. Saturday I had my first dance performance in Eiserfey. We wear carnival costumes. The costume has a skirt, a top, a hat and red shoes.

My sisters danced with me the last few years, but they wanted to dance this year. They want to play handball. I were the first year in this group, because there are altogether five groups in Kall.

I go always Thursday in the “old school” and I train there. First we run 10 minutes and then we stretch us one hour. Finally we can dance on music.

Feedback of Alex:

You answered all of the "5 Ws". That's very good. You often used the right tense. Sometimes you used the wrong tense. In the sentence: "The costume has…" you had to use the simple past. Sometimes you used the wrong words like in the sentence: "I go Always Thursday" you better wrote: "Every Thursday I go…". Your text is good, but you have to improve it a little bit.