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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Dragon boat crew
Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
< CFS T-Klassen | Klasse 7a 2017-2018 | Englisch | Unit 4
Version vom 19. März 2018, 12:14 Uhr von JKlaess (Diskussion | Beiträge)
What does Sam want to ask Robert?
Sam wants Robert to train with him.
1. A dragon boat is a big boat that 20 people paddle.
2. The Chinese immigrants brought the dragon boats to Canada.
3. There are 20.000 dragon boaters in Toronto.
4. Sam has to join the dragon boat because his uncle is a dragon boat trainer and his parents want that.
5. Robert should join the crew because Sam would like that because the training is funnier.