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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Mika's story
Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
< CFS T-Klassen | Klasse 7a 2017-2018 | Englisch | Unit 5
Version vom 13. Juni 2018, 08:38 Uhr von FZoell (Diskussion | Beiträge)
S.97 Nr.3 a) 1984: He an his family moved to Paris and then the leave Paris and moved to London 1992: Mika was not happy on his school an his mam send him to an other school. 1994: He was 11 and a russian singing teacher training him and he became a men voice. 1995: He studied on the Royal College Pop Music and other music arts. 2007: He was 23 and he released his first single: „Relax,take it easy“.