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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).irony, satire and euphemism
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< Gymnasium Laurentianum Arnsberg | Advanced English Class 2020
Version vom 9. September 2018, 07:59 Uhr von Mister G (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Inhaltsverzeichnis[Verbergen] |
The term euphemism refers to polite, indirect expressions that replace words and phrases consired harsh and impolite, or which suggest something unpleasant. Furthermore euphemism is a stylistic device and litaries use it often. --Eva kue gla (Diskussion) 16:52, 1. Sep. 2018 (CEST)
- Passed away instead of died
- Correctional facility instead of jail
- Departed instead of died
- Letting someone go instead of firing someone
- Pregnancy termination instead of absortion
- On the streets instead of homeless --Eva kue gla (Diskussion) 16:52, 1. Sep. 2018 (CEST)
You may ask yourself why people use euphemism, they use it because the sentence sounds politer and nicer. One of the best example is the euphemism to passed away instead of died. --Eva kue gla (Diskussion) 16:46, 1. Sep. 2018 (CEST)
- the witting or unwitten instrument of truth
- efficient weapon of the satirist
- speaker says the opposite of the actual meaning
- commonly backed up by change of voice and nonverbal actions/behaviors
- a form of comedy
- usually dramatic
- mostly based on exaggeration
- medium for political influence or criticism
- often used in connection with hyperbolic statements