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< Gymnasium Laurentianum Arnsberg‎ | Englisch LK Abi 2019‎ | Our Shakespeare Project‎ | Romeo and Juliet
Version vom 19. September 2018, 10:53 Uhr von Janwiegla (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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While Romeo and Juliet is most popular for its portrayal of the theme love, the play also includes other themes, which are worth talking about.


The most dominant theme by far is the theme of young romantic love. The two young lovers experience love at first sight with very intense passion, which they value above everything else. This leads to violence and tragedy.

Fate and Chance

Even though experts haven't agreed upon whether the tragic death of the protagonists was fate or just a series of unfortunate coincidences, the description of the young couple as "star-cross'd" seems to imply fate. It suggests that the future of them has been predetermined by the stars.

Duality of Light and Dark