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< Gymnasium Laurentianum Arnsberg‎ | Englisch LK Abi 2019‎ | Our Shakespeare Project‎ | Julius Caesar
Version vom 20. September 2018, 15:10 Uhr von Viohargla (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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In Shakespeare's play Julius Ceasar we get introduced to a couple of repeatingly appearing themes that are characteristic for this history play. Dealing with the ancient roman world and ceasars death, topics such as death, fate and the question of the identity of oneself get greater importance. The themes appear with opposite sites, showing their controversy and leaving the answers free to decide for each character.

Fate and free Will

The importance of the own will and everybody´s intention to act in his own favor are standing counterpart to predetermined political structures, social possibilities or society situations. Therefor people are forced to act different, granted a limitted compliance of their plans and have to accept reign and structures (political, social while acting based on free will may have the power to unclose possibilities. Evidence from the play: Cassius to Brutus: "Man at sometime were masters of their fates/ The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars/ But in ourselves that we are underlings" (I. ii 140-142)