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My plan for London

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p.14 n.3

When I go to London,

I want to see the London Eye, because you can see lots of sights in London for ca. 30 minutes and the London Eye is 135m high. From the top of the Eye you can see around 40km on a clear day. For example you can see Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, the shard and St Paul’s Cathedral. I want to see the Tower of London too. The Tower of London has been a palace, a prison and a zoo. The guards of the Tower will tell you many stories and legends from the past .The Tower is also home to the Crown Jewels.

I don’t want to see the Natural History Museum, because I’m not interested in the history of our planet. And I don’t want to see the Big Ben, because I don’t want to go all 334 stone steps. And I’m not interested to see it.


HW p.14 no.3

I would like to go to London Eye, because it’s 135 meters high. It’s higher than in Germany a big wheel. That’s a good chance!

I would like to visit Big Ben too, because I want to know the History of Big Ben.

I wont like visit natural History Museum, because, I think it’s boring and a people who explains speak in English.

And I don’t like visit the tower of London, because Big Ben and London Eye are better than Tower of London. I can visit only two things in England.


p. 14 nr. 3

If I go to London,

I would like to go to Big Ben, because I want to see the old Big Ben from inside. And I think it’s interesting. I would like to go to the Tower of London, because I love castles and maybe it’s interesting too.

I wouldn’t like to go to London Eye, because I hate big big wheels and it’s very high. I wouldn’t like to go to Natural History Museum, because it is to boring for me and it’s to expensiv.


page 14 nr. 3

Make plans

When I go to London for one day, I’d like to go to London Eye. London Eye is very cool. From the top of the Eye you can see around 40 km on a clear day. London looks very beautiful from the top. You can see a lot of sights from there.

I would like to go inside Big Ben too. It’ s very beautiful inside it. From the top you will have a very beautiful view of London. The tours are free. Very very cool.

I wouldn’t like to go to the Natural History Museum. For me it’s boring. Maybe it’s cool for people who are interested in the history of our planet.

To the Tower Of London I wouldn’t like to go too, because I don’t like castles and it’s very expensive.


Homework page 14 n 3 26.09.18

If I go to London, I want to visit the London Eye and go inside the Big Ben. Because in the London Eye you have a beautiful view from London. And I want visit the Big Ben, because the Big Ben is very interesting and very old. I don´t like to visit the Natural History Museum, because it´s for me very boring there. I don´t like to visit the Tower of London too. Because I don´t like castles or history of London.



Your Plans

P.14 Nr.3)

I would like to go to Big Ben, because I want to see the inside of the Big Ben. I think it's very cool there. I want to see how the clock works.

I would like to go to London Eye, because I want to see how high it is. I think it's beautiful, because you can see lots of sights.

I would not go to the museum, because it's very boring, I think. I think it's not very interesting too.

I would not go to the Tower of London, because I think it's boring there too. It's expensive too.


Homework p.14 nr.3

Your plans

I want to go to the Natural History Museum, because I like the science and the history of our planet.

And I want to go to the London Eye, because I scarred me for the high but I like to overcome me and you can see a lot of sights.

I don´t want to go to the Tower of London, because I don´t like the history and Ravens.

I don´t want to go to the Big Ben, because I don´t like the sound of the bell and I don´t like steps too.


Homework page 14 number 3

Your plans

In London I would like to go to London Eye because I love high wheels and I think the view is incredible.

At the London Eye I can also see the other sights.

I would also like to see the Tower Bridge because it is a very important bridge in London, because she connects 2 different municipalities.

I don’t want to go to Big Ben because I didn’t like the times of the tours and I think the guides are boring too.

I don’t want to go to natural history museum because I didn’t like bones.


Your plans

I would like to go to the London Eye because I think it is exciting and a little bit funny. I would like to go to the tower of London because I think the history and the palace are exciting and wonderful. And I will find out how the queen lives and what it looks like there. I wouldn’t like to visit the Big Ben because there are 334 stone steps to the clock. I wouldn‘t like to visit the museum of natural history because I didn‘t like dinosaur.


If I go to London...

I would go inside Big Ben because I think its interesting to see everything inside the big clock. I would like to go too on the London Eye because its so high you can see everything from there I think you can take famous pictures from London.I wont like to go to the History Museum because I wont to stay the hole day there .I didn’t want to go to The Tower of London because its not interesting for me and it will be boring.


Homework p.14 Nr.3

I would like to go to the London Eye, because I want to see the fantastic view. I also would like to go to the big Ben, because I want to see the Tower, the Bell and the clock. I wouldn't want to go to the Natural History museum because I think it is boring and I don’t like history. I wouldn't want go to the Tower of London because I thing it is boring too and it is to expensive.


Englisch: Buch S. 14 Nr. 3)

If I could go to London I would like to visit the London Eye, because I think it’s very nice to have so a nice view from there and you also see this lots of sights. This is cool. If I could visit an another sight too, I would like to visit the Tower of London, because I really want to have the copy of Elizabeth’s crown on my head. These lots of juwels are very nice. But I wouldn’t like to visit the Big Ben, because for me it’s to boring to see just the clocks. And I also wouldn’t like to go to the Natural History museum, because you just see there dead dinosaurs and animals.


Your plans

If I could go to London, I would like to visit some sights, as London is a beautiful city.

I would visit London Eye. It‘s a big wheel and it‘s 135 metres high. I like great views. From there you‘ll have a great view over sights like Tower of London or The Sharp. You can almost see the whole city. That‘s why I would go to London Eye.

Next I would visit Big Ben. Even if I don‘t really like so many steps, I‘d have an amazing view there. I would see the Big Ben at work! I think it would be so funny, because the ringing bell is very loud, isn‘t it? I‘d see the tall tower inside! Also… it‘s free entry!

If I could visit London sights, I‘d not go to the Natural History Museum. I‘m not so intrested in science. I know it‘s very famous on the whole world, but it would be so boring for me. Maybe I‘d fall asleep! I simply need some action.

I also wouldn‘t like to go to the Tower of London. It costs 34 pounds. I think it‘s too expensive. Also I don‘t really like raven and history. Okay, maybe I could wear Queen elizabeths‘ crone. But for real. It‘s just a copy. I do not like copies.


I want to visit the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, because there is the Entry free. And it has open every day. I like it too, because there are lots of animals and I love animals. There are big sculptures of very old dinosaurs, it’s interesting. It is very good that it’s open every day from 10:00-17:50. I like it so much!

I want to visit the LONDON EYE a lot, because the ride takes 30 minutes and you have lots of time to enjoy the sights. It is very good. When you drive with the London Eye you have lots of fun. It’s 135m high. That is like 64 red telephone boxes on top of each other. It’s so crazy. The best things are, that you can see from the top of the London Eye around 40 km on a clear day and 800 people can travel in the Eye at one time, as many as in 11 big red London buses. It is very nice!

I don‘t want to visit the TOWER OF LONDON, because I don’t find it so interesting. It isn’t good, because it is closed on November to February on 16:30 o’clock. I don’t like it so much, but it is ok.

I don’t want to visit the BIG BEN, because it isn’t so interesting and the Big Ben has lot of steps. It is very stupid that the tours are only for people from the UK. That wouldn’t be so nice for me.


                                                                                                                                   Homework 27.09

London attractions

I like InsideBigBen and The London Eye.

Statement :


I like Inside BigBen because it´s very interesting. You can have a nice view over London. And you learn things about the Big Ben. The Tour are free. That´s really nice!

The London Eye:

I like The London Eye because you have lots of times to enjoy the sight. On a clear day you can see 40 km of London. And I like to ride a Big Wheel. The Costs are really okay.

Sentence :

Tower of London:

I don´t like the Tower of London because I don´t a fan about Legends and Stories. And I don´t interesting to the Queen and her family.

Natural History Museum:

I don´t like the Natural History Museum because I saw very much Natural Museum and I don´t want to see a other Museum.


Homework p. 14 Nr.3

If I go to London, I would like to visit the London Eye, because I like to see London from the top. I also like to see the Big Ben and the Elisabeth Tower because I have also a grade view from here and I like to watch how the Big Ben works! I don’t like to visit the museum of natural history because I think it’s boring. I also don’t like to visit the Tower of London because I think it’s boring too and it’s cost too much.


I like the Tower of London, because you can see ravens and the Crown from the queen and you can learn Over 900 years of history.

I like the London Eye because you have lots of time to enjoy the sights and from the top of the Eye you can see around 40km on a clear day

I don´t like Natural History useum because I learn the things at school and me don´t interesting the history of our planet

I don´t like inside the BigBen because I can see the BigBen in Telé too and I think there are very much people


Your plans

p. 14 nr. 3

I would like to go to the London Eye, because I want to see London. I would like to go there too, because I like big wheels. I would like to go to the Tower of London too, because I like castles and I think it's interesting.

I wouldn't like to go to the Natural History Museum, because it's boring for me. I wouldn't like to go inside the Big Ben too, because I think it's very loud there.


P.14 no.4

If I go to London

I would go to the London eye, because I want to see the outlook and I I think it is very cool to be in there. I would go to the big ben, because I want to see how it looks like inside and I thinks there are tours or something like this . I wouldn’t go to the tower of London, because I don’t castle’s and I think it’s boring. I wouldn’t go to museums, because I don’t like museums and it’s very boring too.