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Unit 1: This is London

October 05, 2018


  • Extra b) Write a mail from the girl to a friend in Cardiff about the family´s arrival in Caernafon
  • learn the new words on pp. 178, 179

October 30, 2018


  • Learn the new words from the text Climbing on Snowdon Montain (p.180)
  • Choose 5 new words and write a sentence with each word.
  • Imagine you´re Emily. After your trip to Snowdon Mountain, you write about your experiences in your diary. Write the diary entry.

Upload your results here.

November 2, 2018


  • page 36 looking at language
  • page 36 Ex. 1a

November 6, 2018


  • page 39: Plan a video blog like Adam´s. Choose a topic and make your blog.

Unit 3: Wales