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Now write...

P.38 no.2)

- About a film

- Nice day in the city

- Later looking the film

- Cool film

- Went home and played some games

- Nice day

A nice day with Luca

On Saturday, Luca and I went in a nice city. We wanted to watch a cool film. There were many films. We chose a very cool one.

First we went around the city. We ate there. It was a very big city. We also went in a big shopping mall. We bought some games. We had a lot of fun in the city.

At 6 pm, the film started. It was about a man, who helped some people. The film was very nice. The man in the film had some fights with other peoples. It was very cool. At the end of the film, the man had a fight with an other man, who killed a friend of the man. The film ended at 9 pm.

Later, we went home. I played some games on our phones with Luca. We had a lot of fun. We also ate something at home. At the and, Luca an I played some games on my PC. After that, we went to bed. That was a very nice day.

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