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< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 7c 2018-2019/Englisch‎ | Unit 2‎ | practice
Version vom 9. Januar 2019, 07:44 Uhr von Da-CFS-Ra (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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To do gymnastics

→ often, not in a Club, love it, in my bedroom, trampoline flips, sometimes with my friends, come down, stay fit

My favourite Hobby in my free time is to do gymnastics.

I love it, but I am not in a club. Often I do it after eating and in the evening . When its to cold outside I just do it in my room and not on the trampoline. Mostly I wear my comfortable leggings and a t-shirt.

I had start to do gymnastics many years ago, because my friend Maria had shown me some tricks and I really want to do it too.

Together we jumped on the bouncy pad and I resolve my first flip, it was a beautiful feeling. 

I do gymnastics to come down and stay fit