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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).NATO
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was founded on 4 April 1949 in Washington, D.C. by the western victorious powers USA and West Europe to provide collective security against Germany and the Soviet Union after the World War II. Since the occupation forces USA, Great Britain and France have western leanings, the BRD became a western economic power and a member of NATO in 1955. NATO ensured security of the member states with the aid of military willingness during the cold war between the USA and the Soviet Union. By 2015, 28 member states belonged to NATO, including countries of the former Soviet Union. This movement is called the eastward enlargement of NATO. Today NATO is more of a security policy alliance than a military alliance and includes 29 member states. The headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium with the most important decision-making power NAC (North Atlantic Council).