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World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
< Gymnasium Laurentianum Arnsberg‎ | Advanced English Class 2020
Version vom 12. Juni 2019, 15:32 Uhr von Kat gor gla (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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The World Trade Organisation (short WTO) was first signed and founded on the 15 April 1994 as an extension to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (short GATT), which was established after the second world war, about 1947, signed by 23 countries and the goal of it was an international cooperation in economic intersts. The GATT still exists, but is referred to an umbrella for the newer WTO, which now handles most of the trading, but although the WTO is newer the GATT actually holds over 60 very important agreements. The WTO ministeral conference still has meetings in a two year period to this date.--Nil hom gla (Diskussion) 21:50, 11. Jun. 2019 (CEST)


There are three main tasks, the WTO deals with. The first one is about making trades between EU member states easier. This is about reducing taxes and border controlls. The second one is the supervision over trade agreements with member states. And the last one is task of being a judge in case of litigation and they also want to provide dispute.--Luk hes gla (Diskussion) 20:07, 11. Jun. 2019 (CEST)


The World Trade Organizations (WTO) overriding purpose is that trade and business around the globe are as free and save as possible for both business and consumer, whilst allowing governments to meet social and environmental objectives. To ensure this safety in international trade the rules have to be transparent and predictable regarding all trading partners. Therefore conflicts are reduced as much as possible by neutral procedures written and agreed on in the WTO's agreements. Kat gor gla (Diskussion)