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Biff and Happy Loman are the sons of Willy Loman, the main character in the book :“Death of a Salesman“.Biff is Happy´s two years older brother and they both are reunited in the first act of the book. When Biff and Happy where younger ,about the age of Highschool, Biff was popular and a football player (p. 26 ll.24-25) and Happy really admired him. In act one we can hear the brothers talking in their old bedroom. Although both have changed through the years, they still support each other and still have dreams to achieve together (p.19 ll.26-37). Biff and Happy are both dreaming of a fullfiled life and of the respect of their father Willy. They are both very worried when it comes to Willy, but Happy is more aware of what is happening to his father (p.16 ll. 24-33). We can really see the good relationship the have and that they enjoy being together in the begining on act one. In the second act their relationship is still close but there are some arguments, for example when Linda told them Willy wanted to kill himself.
Biff and Happy are the sons of the Lomans. Biff is the two years older sibling and he has “succeeded less” (p. 16 stage direction l.13). Happy is also “lost” (stage direction l.16), but on another way as his brother. During Willy is talking to himself, the two brothers talk about different topics. First Happy tells Biff that he is caring about Willy because he seems to be absent while he drives a car. Biffs opinion to that is that his dad is just colour blind (com. L.28). Happy does not agree what shows that they are honest to each other, both of them stand for their position and don’t say something just to say what the other wants to hear. After that, Happy holds out a pack of cigarettes. Because of Biffs question “You smoking?” (l.36) it is clear that the siblings do not know each other exactly. That could be because of the fact that they did not see each other for a long time. This is also shown, when Happy asks Biff where his old humor is (com. P.17 l. 24f). Otherwise, the brothers are very close because they talk about privacy topics like women and the first time of Happy, their feelings about their own life and success and their thoughts about Willy. Although Happy says things like “Us sleeping in here again?” and “All the talk that went across those two beds, huh? Our whole lives.” (p.17 l.4ff). That makes clear that they were close all the time and they are not ashamed to talk about everything with the other one. That underlines the good and trustful relationship of them. Besides they talk about Willy because both of them are caring about him, which is another agreement of them. All and all, Biff and Happy have a very strong and open relationship, which is a little bit less good because of the distance. Nevertheless, they can tell the other one everything.