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< CFS T-Klassen | Klasse 8d 2019-2020/Englisch | überarbeitete Seite
Version vom 27. November 2019, 16:36 Uhr von MCFS2018S (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Inside New York: multiculturalism
* multiculturalism/ethnic differences
- WB: p. 2: Welcome to New York!
- EB: p. 11: Inside New York; HV
- presentation of 3 sights
- Homework: Finish preparing your presentation. Voc. p. 197
- Power Point Presentations on sights
- Presentation of groups 1 + 2
- homework: Write a text for each photo (A-E) on pp. 12/13. (for next week)
- PPP on sights
- Presentation of groups 3 + 4.
- EB p.12 People and places - video on people living in a different neighbourhood of New York
- homework: see 5/9/19
- Part A: Rivers, towers and waterfalls
- video p. 13
- text pp.14/15
- homework: EB p.16, ex. 1-3; p. 17, ex. 1; voc. - p.199
- Part B A day at the park
- homework: WB p. 5, voc. pp. 199/200
- WB pp. 6-7
- Background file: Faces of America (pp.22/23)
* homework
- EB p. 172
- EB p.21, ex.3
- WB p. 8, ex. 11/12
- Registrierung auf https://kreis-euskirchen.bfe-nrw.de
- gerund
- homework: WB pp.12,13
- Text: An article in the school newspaper
- WB p.10, ex.15
- WB p.9
- homework: voc p.200
- Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy
- repetition verbs with gerund
Kaleidoscope The USA, pp.30/31
map about a video about states, cities, mountains, water
video about Land and People
homework: correction of the class test; p.31, ex.3 A USA Album