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My favourite hobby is dancing. I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old. I dance Thursday in Kall with 11 others children and two trainers.

Our trainers are cool, they dance too, but in another club. I dance for carnival and I have lots of dance performances. Saturday I had my first dance performance in Eiserfey. We wear carnival costumes. The costume has a skirt, a top, a hat and red shoes.

My sisters danced with me the last few years, but they wanted to dance this year. They want to play handball. I were the first year in this group, because there are altogether five groups in Kall.

I go always Thursday in the “old school” and I train there. First we run 10 minutes and then we stretch us one hour. Finally we can dance on music.

Feedback of Alex:

You answered all of the "5 Ws". That's very good. You often used the right tense. You used paragraphs, that's very good! Sometimes you used the wrong tense. In the sentence: "The costume has…" you had to use the simple past. Sometimes you used the wrong words like in the sentence: "I go Always Thursday" you better wrote: "Every Thursday I go…". Your text is good, but you have to improve it a little bit.