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pp. 46+47

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< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 7c 2018-2019/Englisch‎ | Unit 3
Version vom 11. Februar 2019, 12:46 Uhr von Ti-CFS-Sc (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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p.47 no.3

a) They are talking about…

- drinks: banana-coconut drink, all three drinks cost 3.30€

- real Liverpool (=no tourists): Gwen wants to see the real Liverpool, Grace and Charlie know/are the real Liverpool

- Slavery Museum

- drumming workshop: an African workshop, at the Slavery Museum, Grace and Charlie went to the workshop once

- football Liverpool : Chelsea (next day), Charlie´s whole family loves Liverpool FC, the three kids don´t have tickets BUT maybe they can use Chalie´s family´s tickets

- James Clarke Street: Grace and Charlie live there, near the city centre (Vauxhall)