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Chiara's Reading Log

Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 9b 2017-2018‎ | Englisch‎ | Snakeman - Reading Logs
Version vom 20. März 2017, 15:54 Uhr von Cncici 500 (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Chapter 1

The first chapter of “Snakeman” talks about the girl Cathy Crosby who’s new at Portland High School. That’s her third school she visits past the last four or five years. She wants to play her role of the “cute and nice girl” before her new classmates will know her really because she wants to be part of a group and no outsider. On her first day at school the homeroom teacher Mr Deedles introduce her to the class. There she meets the boy Jamie Hanson who writes for the school newspaper. She likes him and he caught Cathy’s eye since he walked in. He interviews Cathy four the newspaper. They talk a lot about her hobbies riding and reading. After that Jamie asks Cathy to write for the school newspaper too. She wanted it but because of her “role” she got to play she told him that she will think about it. The teachers are also nice but she doesn’t like the math teacher because she couldn’t stand math.