Dieses Wiki, das alte(!) Projektwiki (projektwiki.zum.de)
wird demnächst gelöscht.
Bitte sichere Deine Inhalte zeitnah,
wenn Du sie weiter verwenden möchtest.
Gerne kannst Du natürlich weiterarbeiten
im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Material to work on while our school is shut down
Create a new document for each week. Save all your results for the week in this document and send it to me via e-mail.
Deadline: Friday evening
You might receive solutions for grammar tasks. Don't cheat and use them before you've worked on a task because they are meant to help you.
Some tasks will be discussed in class as soon as school starts again.
Solutions: homework for Tue (17.03.)
Week 8
There will be another conference call on Wednesday. As a result, you just have to prepare the vocab included in unit 4!
Assignment after the call: TB p. 97 no. 4.c) (=finish the story). Click here to check out a nice ending.
Week 9
No assignments this week!
Grammar revision: let, make & have
Alle weiteren Aufgaben & Inhalte folgen im Präsensunterricht!