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Indirect speech

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< Maria-Wächtler-Gymnasium‎ | 7b
Version vom 22. März 2017, 17:09 Uhr von Mr. Olmesdahl (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Indirect Speech

When you tell a person what somebody else said some time ago, you need to use indirect speech.

Basic rule

When the reporting verb is in the past tense, you need to backshift the tense of the verb in the reported clause. You always need to change any adverbs of time and place.

Deeper explanation

When reporting something, you need to adapt the tense of your verb and the adverbs.


Example Tom: I don't want to wait anymore. Tom said that he didn't want to wait anymore.

You need to backshift the tenses. That does not express that the things happened really long ago, instead, it just expresses that the sentence is reported (In German: Tom sagte, dass er nicht mehr warten wolle.)

Original tense Backshifted tense
simple present simple past
present perfect past perfect
simple past past perfect
may, can, will write might, could, would write

The same is true for the progressive forms.


Example Tom: I don't want to wait in this bar until tomorrow! Tom said he didn't want to wait in that bar until the next day.

Adverbs of place

this that
here there

Adverbs of time

today that day
yesterday the day before
tomorrow the next day
this week that week
last month the month before

Important Terms

Reporting verb The verb introducing the reported sentence: Tom said
Backshift To change the tense one step to the past
adverbs of time Words that describe when something happened: yesterday, tomorrow...
adverbs of place Words that describe where something happened: there, this...