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Basic rule

Can, may and must are used in the present tense. But may is only used in questions. In the other tenses you usually use (to) be able to, (to) be allowed to and (to) have to.

Deeper explanation

Other tenses

Present Past Future
Can was/were able to / could will be able to
May was/were allowed to will be allowed to
Must had to will have to

If you use these forms in the past or in the future, you'd have to change the the tense of the verb (like you see in the table). In the past you usually use simple past and in the future the will-future. For was/were able to ,you'd use could if the sentences is negativ or if you realised something. These forms can also be used in the present tense.



Can: I can go camping if I want to.
May: May I go to the party on saturday?
Must: I must clean my room today.


Can: I was able to/You were able to go camping.
May: I was allowed to/You were allowed to go to the party on saturday.
Must: I had to clean my room yesterday.


Can: I will be able to go camping.
May: I will be allowed to go to the Party on saturday.
Must: I will have to tidy up my room.

Negativ sentences

In negativ sentences you usually use the forms (to) be able to, (to) be allowed to and (to) have to. Of course you can use can't and musn't as well.
For example: I am not allowed to go to the party tomorrow.


In questions, the modals change places with the pronouns.
Example: May/Can I go shopping with my friends?

For (to) be able to and (to) be allowed to you not change the whole form with the pronoun. Just only the form of (to) be.
Example: Are you allowed to go shopping?

If you use '‘(to) have to in a question you'd have to write/say Do I have to...? .
Example: Do I really have to come with you, tomorrow?


Task 1:

Fill in the forms in simple present. Sometimes there are two reasons. Of course, these forms can be negativ as well.

1. You _____ do that! It's to dangerous!

2. ____ I go to Emily's birthday party?

3. Do I _______ tidy up my room today?

4. You __________ go shopping with your friends!

5. I _____ take care of my sister.

6. Why ____ you ________ go to the party?

Task 2:

Fill in the forms in simple past or in the will-future. Of course, these forms can be negative too.

1. I _______ to help your best friend to survive...

2. Eylin said that she _____ hear music at midnight.