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Fabian's Reading Log

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Chapter 1:

Chapter one of the book "Snakeman", written by Paul Davenport, introduced the main character Cathy. Cathy has gone to 3 different schools in 5 years.The chapter is about her first day at the Portland High School. Cathys first day at the Portland High School was very well.She likes her new school.The school newspaper wanted an interview with cathy.Cathy likes the most of her teachers. Cathy likes the most of her teachers but she dont like her math teacher.

Chapter 3 In Chapter 3 Cathy came with a bad feeling from the school and told her brother how it is in the new school. She said that she does not feel very comfortable at her school. She would be well with most teachers but would come with a few teachers They also problems. In addition, she had a problem with the "Snakeman" but from him she told her brother nothing. Her mom also told her nothing about her problems at school because she just got a new job and Cathy did not want her mother to be unconcentrated.