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Louis' Reading Log

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Chapter: 1

In the first chapter of the novel, there is a girl, her name is Cathy, who is new at the Portland High school. She has changed the school three times in the last four or five years. The homeroom teacher introduces Cathy to the new class. Cathy fears that she will be an outsider like a part of the other classmates. In the lunch hour, a boy (Jamie Hanson) talks to her. He says, that he comes from the school magazine and he wants to interview her. He asks her many questions like if she has hobby’s. After the lunch hour, Jamie has enough material for the article. Cathy thinks, how nice it is to works with Jamie. That’s the end of the first chapter.

Chapter 2:

In the second Chapter of the novel, Cathy was in the school. She went through a corridor to take her things out of her spin. Suddenly, a boy was standing behind her. He came with two other boys. He says that she is on a list from a club. He scared her. She will have respect from him. He said that she will pay 5 dollars every week. He threatened her little brother Mike. Cathy is shocked about this situation and don’t know, how the boy knows Mike. After the dialog between the boy and Cathy, she pays him 5 dollars.

Chapter 3:

In the third chapter of “snakeman”, Cathy come back to home. She looked like a zombie with a white skin and confusing thoughts. After that, she doesn’t talk to someone about her problem. Mike, her little brother, asks him how the day was. But Cathy lies him and don’t say Mike about the situation and that she is threatened.

Chapter 4:

In the fourth chapter of the novel, the “Snakeman”, that the name how Cathy he lists, come a few weeks again and take the money. Cathy gives him every time the money. One day, the boy looked to Cathy’s necklace. She became it on her last birthday. He would take that and threatened her again. She gives him the necklace. After that, Jamie phoned and asked her if she would worked in the Student’s newspaper. She sad yes a worked there, because a Journalist is ill there.