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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Structure
Basic rule
In every complete sentence is a subject and a main verb. Many sentences have an object. The order of the Basic parts in a sentence is:
- subject
- verb
- object
Tina loves ice cream.
- Subject: Tina
- Verb: loves
- Object: ice cream
Deeper Explanation
Subject, verb and object aren't the only parts of a sentence. There are place and time as well.The order of all of those sentence parts is:
- subject
- verb
- object
- place
- time
Tina goes with her friends to the Shopping Center at six o'clock.
- Subject: Tina
- Verb: goes
- Object: with her friends
- Place: to the Shopping Center
- Time: at six o'clock
This isn't the only possible order of those sentece parts.It can be like this as well:
- Time
- Place
- Subject
- Verb
- Object
Last Monday in School my class watched a movie.
- Time:Last Monday
- Place: in School
- Subject: my class
- Verb: watched
- Object: a movie
Make correct sentences with the words:
- books/Sarah/has got
- is/Harry/a fish
- cheese/they/hate
- Bianca/a game/is playing
- help/he/his mum
- on a tree/climbs/Vivien