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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).chapter 2
1. Does Josh tell his mother what he does in WMNF?
a) always
b) sometimes
c) never
2. Was it easy or difficult to take a picture of the moose? Why (not)?
one possible fact/aspect: You need to be quiet. If you aren't quit, the moose will run away.
It was rather easy because...
Josh knew how to take the picture.
the animals were drinking.
Josh found the right place.
It was rather difficult because...
Josh had to wait for the right moment.
the animals could become aggressive.
it was a long walk to get to the place.
3. How does Josh feel about tourists who don't follow the park rules?
a) He doesn't care
b) He feels not so good
c) There are no tourists
4. In the years following 9-11, the national parks were misused. Mention one example. one possible solution:
a) to grow marijuana
b) as a place for illegal immigrants
5. Josh wants to get some training in self-defense.
a) true
b) false
c) Not in the text
Nicolas, ed. Meyer