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< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 7c 2018-2019/Englisch‎ | Unit 2‎ | p.38
Version vom 12. Dezember 2018, 08:31 Uhr von Xe-CFS-Sc (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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A nice Day

Yesterday my ant and I drove with the train to cologne.

First we went to the Christmas market, and eat a crépe. Then we we looked a show dirty dancing it was a cool show the people dancing and the spectators acclaimed.

Today we looked football in Gladbach, we waked up at 10 clock .

First we search the right entry and then we looked a good football mach

Daniela Does it have clear paragraphs? Yes, it have

What is the topic sentence in each paragraph? Yesterday my ant and I drove with the train to cologne. First we went to the Christmas market, and eat a crépe. Today we looked football in Gladbach, we waked up at 10 Clock.First we search the right entry and then we looked a good football match.

Do you get information about the 5 Ws?

Yes When Yesterday, Today What You went to a Chrismas market, looked a Show and a Football match Why Who Your ant and you Where On a Chrismas market, stadium

Feedback from Xenia

Does it have clear paragraphs?

Yes you have clear paragraphs in your text.

What is the topic sentence in each paragraph?

1. paragraph: Yesterday my aunt and I drove with the train to cologne.

2. paragraph: Today we looked a football match in Gladbach, we waked up at 10 clock.

Do you get information about the 5 Ws?

When?: Yesterday and Today

Where?: In cologne and Gladbach

What?: a Christmas market and a football match

Who?: Ina and her aunt

But you have forgot "why?" you and your aunt drove to cologne.