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Looking at language: indirect questions

Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 7a 2017-2018‎ | Englisch‎ | Grammar2
Version vom 12. Dezember 2018, 15:20 Uhr von LPuetzer (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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direct questions indirect questions
Are these Wampanoag houses the village of Patuxet? I asked one guide whether the Wampanoag houses were the village of Patuxet.
Why did this family live next to the English colonists? So I asked her why this family had lived next to the English colonists.
Did the English invite this Wampanoag family to the First Thanksgiving? I wanted to know if the English had invited those Wampanoag to the First Thanksgiving.

Indirect question = when the reporting verbs is in the past, also indirect questions need a time shift.

Yes- No questions = indirect questions need if or whether

Indirect questions keep the question word.

Indirect questions are statements (no question mark and S-V-O)


1. Go back to the visitor centre. = She told me to go back to the visitor centre.

2. Don’t miss the movie. = She told me not to miss the movie.

Imperatives in direct speech are turned into “to-infinitives” in indirect speech.

If it’s a negative statement, you have to add a “not” in front of the to-infinitive.