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< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 7c 2018-2019/Englisch‎ | Unit 2‎ | practice
Version vom 14. Januar 2019, 13:46 Uhr von Xe-CFS-Sc (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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My favourite hobby

Football is my favourite free time activity. I play sometimes every day in the week. Monday and Wednesday I have football training. On Friday or on Saturday I have a match. Sometimes I have a football tournament with my team on Sunday. When we win a tournament we got a trophy or a medal. I also play football with my friends or with my two brothers. Then we go to the football ground and play football. In the winter is it sometimes really cold and the football ground is to bad to play there, so then we go in a gym and train there. The Training is sometimes hard, but it is nice. Last year we drove to the Baltic see and my brother and I play on the beach football. That makes fun. My friends and classmates are also in a football team, but only two are in my team. We played a few times against my friends, sometimes we win, but sometimes the team from my friend win.

Feedback from Xenia to Andreas:

Your text is really good.

Next time you should use paragraphs, then your text will be clear.

Sometimes you can use another word than “and”.

But your text is complete.