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< CFS T-Klassen | Klasse 7a 2017-2018 | Englisch
Version vom 30. Januar 2019, 16:25 Uhr von MMeyer (Diskussion | Beiträge)
unit 3 pp. 207-209
Correct and/or improve the text you wrote about Thanksgiving (no. 4) and send me an email with your results
Mr Meyer being absent (24.01.)
- Create a document called 'words' and work on TB p. 64 no. 1 (a+b) & no. 2 (a+b)
- Create a document called 'passive exercises' and work on TB p. 66 no. 6+7+8
[It is actually less work than it might seem at a first glance]
- TB p. 59 text 3 "Californian strawberries": Read the text, create a new document, answer the questions below the text and work on the box 'Looking at language'
[GF pp. 179-181 might help you]
TB p. 58 no. 2