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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Connecting two sentences
Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
< CFS T-Klassen | Klasse 8c 2019-2020/Englisch | Material to work on while our school is shut down | What you need to know
Version vom 30. Mai 2020, 18:29 Uhr von MMeyer (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Grab a piece of paper to work on the examples.
Then click on 'solutions' to check your results!
1. Tom plays football. He scores a goal.
2. Claire thinks about a song. She rides her horse.
3. Jim plays a video game. He is having lots of fun.
4. Amanda walks into a store. She notices her best friend Amy.
5. Pete played the guitar. He jumped into the air.