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Part B

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< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 7a 2017-2018‎ | Englisch‎ | Unit 4.2 & the Diary
Version vom 24. März 2019, 18:19 Uhr von MMeyer (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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1. What does Greg's dad think about video games?

He thinks video games are bad and Greg should go out instead of staying at home and playing video games. His dad wants him to do more sports.

2. What's Greg's point of view?

Greg is very good at playing video games, so he likes this kind of fun. He also thinks that you can play sports and other things without getting sweaty.

3. Correct statements

a) Rodrick's favorite kind of music is Heavy Metal.

b) Greg's dad wants Greg to do some sports.

c) Greg's Mom would like to play music with her family.

d) Greg tries to secretly listen to one of Rodrick´s CDs.

4. Right or wrong?

a) Rowley truly loves Rock and Roll and tells Mrs Craig about it. wrong Rowley doesn´t want that Rock and Roll ruins his "brains".

b) Mom always waits some days before she decides on some kind of punishment. right

c) Rodrick is grounded with one week without music for owning a heavy metal magazine. wrong Rodrick´s punishment is to answer all the questions of his mom.

d) Greg wants to run for students' president. wrong Greg wants to run for treasurer.

e) Greg creates some really nasty election campaign posters. right