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My favourite activity

I really like to play saxophone. Nearly two years ago, my family and I, we went to a little concert for eastern in my village. My godfather plays saxophone too and he and our musical society played their instruments at this concert. He had a beautiful solo there and I liked the sound of it so much, so at a break, we asked him if he could teach me how to play saxophone.

So after the Easter holidays, he came to our house and he brought me a lovely saxophone from the musical society.

2017, I played with the musical society for the first time and I was so nervous. We played some Christmas songs and 2018 I played there too.

After the autumn holidays, 2018 I joined the musical society and now I am playing with them nearly every Thursday. Sometimes we play on events. At the rehearses I also see Fiona and this year I can probably play on the concert too and I can play at the carnival parade!