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Julia's Reading Log

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Chapter No. 1:

In the first chapter of snakeman Cathy came to a new school. It‘s her third school and she knew that that wasn‘t a good thing. On her first day at Portland High she just faked her person and played the „nice girl“. First the homeroom teacher introducted her at her new class. When the bell did ring a boy hurried over to her. It was Jamie, he said he write for the newspaper and wanted to make a interview with her. She had much fun, making the interview. He asked some questions about her hobbies. He asked her to work for the newspaper, like he did. She just wanted to accept but she didn‘t said that, so she said she need more time to think about it.

Chapter No. 2:

On Cathys first day at the new School when the bell rang, she wanted to get her Things out of her locker, but she felt that People were behind her. So she turned around and saw three Boys Standing in the front of her. The leader of them had a small head with empty eyes of a snake. He said something about a list with members of his Club. He said Cathy were one of them but she didn't want to. He said that she have to pay Membership dues every week. She didn't want to but she was so scared of him, that she paid and after the Boys hurried away she gone home.