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Louis' Reading Log

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< CFS T-Klassen‎ | Klasse 9b 2017-2018‎ | Englisch‎ | Snakeman - Reading Logs
Version vom 20. März 2017, 16:11 Uhr von LsLouisSch (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Chapter: 1

In the first chapter of the novel, there is a girl, her name is Cathy, who is new at the Portland High school. She has changed school three times in the last four or five years. The homeroom teacher introduces Cathy to the new class. Cathy fears that she will be an outsider like a part of the other classmates. In the lunch hour, a boy (Jamie Hanson) talk to her. He says, that he comes from the school magazine and he would to interview her. He asks her many questions like if she had hobby’s. After the lunch hour, Jamie has been enough material for the article. Cathy think, how nice it is to worked with Jamie. That’s the end of the first chapter.