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Sandro's Reading Log

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Chapter one:

Cathy changes her school often and just goes to a new School again. She doesn't like to change her school but she has to. She is in love with a boy from the newspaper. He and Cathy have planned an interview after school.

Chapter two:

Cathy sees the Snakeman the first time after the interview when she get her jacket out of the cabin. The Snakeman wants to have money from Cathy and he knows about her brother. He says that if she tells someone about that he will hurt him.

Chapter three:

Her brother asks her a lot of questions after her school day. She trys to look happy, so that Mike thinks that all is great. He doesn't know anything about the Snakeman and the money.

Chapter four:

In chapter four, Cathy gets new dates for the payment of the membership dues. But the Snakeman doesn't want to have the five dollars only. He also wants the necklace from Cathy. Cathy doesn't want to give it to hím but he forces her.