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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Sandro's Reading Log
Chapter one:
Cathy changes her school often and just goes to a new school again. She doesn't like to change her school but she has to. She is in love with a boy from the newspaper. He and Cathy have planned an interview after school.
Chapter two:
Cathy sees the Snakeman the first time after the interview when she get her jacket out of the cabin. The Snakeman wants to have money from Cathy and he knows about her brother. He says that if she tells someone about that he will hurt him.
Chapter three:
Her brother asks her a lot of questions after her school day. She trys to look happy, so that Mike thinks that all is great. He doesn't know anything about the Snakeman and the money.
Chapter four:
In chapter four, Cathy gets new dates for the payment of the membership dues. But the Snakeman doesn't want to have the five dollars only. He also wants the necklace from Cathy. Cathy doesn't want to give it to hím but he forces her.
Chapter Five
In Chapter five Cathy is searching for someone who helps her with the Snakeman. She anyway has to go to the principal's Office so she wanted to do all in one. She speeks whith him about all Things she have done and do. But at least she doesen't want to tell it him because he don't make a safe Impression. After that she considered who cann help her whith the Snakeman but she have to be carefully whith who she tallks because the Snakeman knows a lot of persons.
Chapter six
In Chapter six Cathy is looking further towards an People who can help her but the only Name she knew is the School counselors Mr. Black but whatever. Cathy decided that she will talk whith him and do it. They talk about the stolen necklace but she don't says anything about the Snakeman. After the talk Cathy noticed Mr. Black on her list of them she could trust and talk whith.
Chapter seven
In Chapter seven Cathy tell her mother the true Story about her stolen necklace and the Snaeman. She told her that the Snakeman want to have five dollars from her too. Her mother was shocked that Cathy doesn't tell that her earlyer. Just they superior together what they will do in the future to prevent Cathy bevor that boy and his friends. At least they decided to say Cathys brother Mike first nothing.
Chapter eight
In Chapter eight Cathy continued working on her list that it grows and grows. But at the time of the Snakeman just Comes take his Money and goes. Jamie the boy from her class want go cannoing whith her and she said that she had never had an padle in her Hand. But she let herself persuad and go whith him. They drive to an Lake and go cannoing but a thunderstorm is approaching and they must make an break. They see a lot of animals and kissed together ad the end.
Chapter nine
In Chapter nine the Snakeman asks Sophie that she have thought about an Tatou because he think it will look nice by her. He have one an Dragon that spits fire. The Snakeman wants take Cathy whith whith his Chopper. Cathy do not want to drive whith him and said that she will ask her mother about that. He sais that she have to get a move on whith this. At the end Cathy go to bed and sleeps at night.
Chapter ten
In Chapter ten Cathy haves an bad dream in that she dreameas that she drives whith the Snakeman out of the city in the country. They drive through an wood and on an mountain. When they are at the to of the mountain they get off. On the mountain stands Mr. Black and Mr. Callahan she shouted to them but them do not react. Then the Snakeman asks Cathy to be his Girlfriend but Cathy do not want because she is in love whith Jamie. The Snakeman says that he is an loser and takes off his helmet. Cathy scared he had an Snake head and spring to her. Than she Wakes up and all is ok.
Chapter eleven
In Chapter eleven Cathy asks Jamie after the school ends that he can stay five minuits for writing an report. She want to writ an report about the Snakeman in school newspaper. She tells the holy narration Jamie. He can not belive that Mr. Callahan participate this. But they have one problem that the school newspaper intwo weeks next come out. They Need an new and bedder plan to betray the Snakeman and his gang.
Chapter twelve
In chapter twelve Cathy and Jamie tells Ms. Southerland from the ‘Beacon‘. Ms. Southerland only wants to think positive. Cathy Imagined her Idea but Ms. Southerland do not like it. She only wants to write god things about the School in School Newspaper. At least Jamie stands on Ms. Southerlands side and Cathy left room angrilly.
Chapter thirteen
In chapter thirteen Cathy mets Ophir. She and Ophir eating pizza in an resturant. When Jamie them he comes over to them table and sees Cathys tattoo. It was an Dragon like the tattoo from the Snakeman. After Ophir goes away Cathy and Jamie had an talk.
Chapter fourteen
In chapter fourteen Cathy and Jamie discuss about it and Jamie says that he hav to look for an new chef in the editor brange. Jamie founds an new idea to warn he others before the Snakemans ‘Beacon‘.
Chapter fifeteen
In chapter fifteen Cathy and Jamie find six staff members which they could trust. They had made an meeting where they talk about the ‘Beacon‘. When all were there they discussed the wholy plan. All knew that that will bee dangorous but all want to make whith them. At the end Cathy and Jamie must came in principal‘s office.
Capter sixteen
In chapter sixteen Jamie and Cathy spook whith Ms. Southerland and whith Mr. Callahan. They were realy angry because havent give them the permission. But at the end he says that he would let his eyes and eares open for searching this gaang. Also he meaned that they are just an Team.
Chapter seventeen
In chapter seventeen the pollice comes to the Snakemans house but he wasen‘t there he must left the town after he had heared about the ‘Beacon‘. In the following week a pear of kids comes to Cathy and Jamie which stands to on the Snakeman‘s list. The last meting of the ting of the group was a Party where Jamie was DJ. At the end Everything was allright.