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book review

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Review of Pepper Spray in Paradise:

The book “Pepper Spray in Paradise” themes human indifference and its consequences. The protagonist of the book is a teenager, its name's Josh. He and his mom moved from the city in a national park, and Josh doesn't like it. But as he stay there a few weeks, he like it more and more. He is a big fan of photography, so he takes photos of the animals there. I like on the book, that it's not just facts and such stuff for school. It's almost like an adventure roman. So what I doesn't like is, that it's almost just the same. He goes into the forest, takes photos, hears voices, find people, who doesn't follow the rules and then, and almost always, they arrest them. So I think it's a good book, but I don't want to read the second part, or read it again.


Pepper Spray in Paradise

The book Pepper Spray in Paradise deals from a boy who musst to move from a town away on the country. Because his mother is ill about the bad air in the town. The boy his name is called Josh. Joshs hobby is to fotograph. At his new home there is a very big wood. It is the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF). In the book Josh went every day into the WMNF. He likes the animals and the wunderful nature. His Mother is not so happy about this, becaus she is scared about Josh. Josh meet a Ranger his name is Ranger Logan. Josh saw very many campers who break this rules in the WMNF. And he went talk to this campers, but so he bring his self in trouble. Ranger Logan introduce Bridget Josh. And they two went together in the WMNF. Josh and Bridget find a group of rules breakers and Josh talk to this peoples, but one of them took Bridget and..... I like this book, because its very exciting and interesting. And its wasn't boring. I can recommend this book. I like this book.


I found the book good because it is very interesting and varied. What I thought was a bit weird was that Hulk suddenly appeared. But the Story is very good but it had a happy and this is a bit boring.


Review about Pepper Spray in Paradise

The book is about a boy and his mother moving from a big city to New England. As he likes to photograph, he takes him to the White Mountain National Forest. Whenever Josh sees tourists who have no respect for the environment, he feels obligated to act. He notices that the worst animals in the forest are the people. I like Josh because he cares about the forest and its inhabitants. It is also an example of the fact that there are still people who are interested in the environment. My favorite scene is where Josh sees the kids in the woods who want to kill the squirrel and he tells them his opinion. I think the book wants to tell us that we should be happy that we have such a beautiful world and such beautiful forests. We should not destroy the forests and also not the animals that live in the forest. To that I believe that a message could be that there are many evil people in this world.


Book Review

The Book ‘Pepper Spray in Paradise’ is a book that is very beautiful and interesting. It takes place in the ‘White Mountain National Forest (WMNF)’, USA. Josh and his mother move from a big city to a little town, New Hampshire, that is localed next to this forest. Since Josh is very interested in taking photos, the WMNF becomes his paradise. He even feels responsible for it so he reminds the visitors of the park rules, just like a park ranger. With the time passing by, Josh figures out, that the true problems of the park aren’t its animals but the visitors. They do a lot of things which aren’t allowed. Josh meets a friend in the park and something terrible happened. What I like about the book is that you learn to work for the things you like. I also like the scene where Josh meets Bridget.I recommend the book because it's very intersting and nice for everyone.



The Book stats with a boy who is name is he have to stay away from his home because the air in the city is not so good for his mum, because she is ill. When they stay in their new home Josh find a Forest which is very nice and he often go to there. But his mum scared about this. A view days later he meets a very nice ranger who is name is Ranger Logan. At the next day he meets a Girl who´s name Bridget and she is from his school and she is a reporter. She look is for interesting thongs and they are looking for illegal campers. When they saw them they go to them and they talk to them but they are nut nice. So they are angry and the would kinpet Bridget. So Josh went to Ranger Logan and he called the police and the went together to look for Bridget. They stay along there and the found Bridget and the police caught the bad people. But I liked the book because it was very interesting and very nice to read the book. I found it is very good and I really like this book so I would read the book, when I have time against.


The book „Pepperspray in paradise“, which is written by Paul Devenport, is about a Boy, called Josh, and his adventures in the White Mountain Nationalforest.

Josh and his mother have to move in another City, because his mother gets sick by the bad air. In the new town is Josh bored and he don‘t know what to do. Later he goes for walk threw the White Mountain Nationalforest and there he experiernces a big adventure.

The book is really easy to understand and difficult words are explored at the bottom of the page. It is fun to reed the book, because the characters are very personaly and you feel with them. Also the scenery is very good described.

In principle the book is very nice, but I don‘t like the theme and the idea very much. Nevertheless I would recommend the book, because it is written pretty good you can read it very nice.



I think it's good that the book has short chapters. So you can work well with it.

Not so good that I think that has so few pages.


Homework: review about the book “Pepper Spray in Paradise”

Pepper Spray in Paradise is a modern adventure that plays in the White Mountain National Forest. The story was written by Paul Davenport. The book includes lots of pictures about the landscape. The story is about Josh, who wants to save the White Mountain National Forest. He noticed, that the most dangerous “animals” are human or the tourists. Josh is a passionate photograph and every picture he made, pull him even closer to the Mountain National Forest. The book has a Quiz about the environment of the White Mountain National Forest. Josh meets a ranger whose name is Logan and goes on a discovery tour with him and experiences great adventures.

Lisa Marie

Book Review

In the book "Pepper Spray in Paradise" is a boy called Josh, who moves to the WMNF and don't like that first. After a few days when he was in the forest every day, he started to like it there and he went to persons who break the park rules and said to them, that they have to look at the nature and don't have to break the rules. When he see such people, he reports them to the ranger station, but there are too few rangers. Josh goes to different persons who break the rules and sometimes it get really dangerous for Josh because some of the people get angry when Josh remembers them to the park rules.

The caracters of the book are great, because I can identify with them. I also like the theme what the book is about. You can learn in the book to pay attention to the nature and the animals.

I don't like that the book was so short and I liked to read on.

And I really can recommend the book because it was exciting and not so expensive.


Book Review

The book "Pepperspray in Paradise" is about a boy who moves from the city with his mother to the countryside. In the beginning he does not think if it's great, but how longer they live there, so better he finds it. He also likes photography very much and sometimes he goes to the White Mountain National Forest and takes pictures of animals. Later, he also meets a ranger named Logan and a girl named Bidget, with whom he experiences exciting adventures. I think the book is very nice because it contains pictures and because it also has a very exciting part. However, I do not know if I would recommend it, because the book is very special and maybe not everyone is interested in the WMNF.


Book Review

I find the book Pepper Spray in Paradise good, because some beautiful landscape paintings from England can be seen. In addition, I find the course and the tension in the book nice. The only thing I do not like so much is that the book has such an open ending. So I wish so a second part. Otherwise, a nice lense, which I would recommend.


Book review

The book ' Pepper Spray in Paradies ', written by the author Paul Devenport, is about a boy named Josh who experiences exciting things in the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF). Josh and his mother have to move because his mother got sick by the bad air. After being dragged into the new city, Josh experiences a great adventure in the White Mountain National Forest. He's friends with Ranger Logan. I like this book very much as it is very interesting and exciting. I also think it is good that the book talks about pollution in the forest.


book review

I don't like the book ' Pepper Spray in paradise ' because I don't like reading books about nature. Even though this book is not just about my favourites. It's also about a friendship and a girl is kidnapped.And even if you could think that it was a crime story, I can only disappoint you.


Pepper Spray in Paradise: Book review

I find the book “Pepper spray of paradise” was very interesting. It's about a boy who really likes the White Mountain national forest, but he don't like tourists who don't follow the park rules and he want to do something. The text was really easy to understand, because there weren't difficult words in there and some words were explained at the bottom.



Pepper Spray in Paradise

The book “Pepper Spray in Paradise“ is about a boy who move with his mother from a town to a village.The name of the boy is Josh. Josh has a hobby and his hobby is to photograph the nature or wild animals. In his new environment is a big forest. The forest is called WMNF (White Mountain natural forest). Josh went every day in the WMNF because he love the nature and do there his hobby. Josh meet a Ranger and the name of the Ranger is Logan. Josh sees a lot of campers who disobey the rules. This brings Josh in danger......

I find the book "Pepper Spray in Paradise" very entertaining and interesting. I also think that it is youthful and exciting.


Pepper Spray in Paradise

The book is very intresting, because it had lots of facts about WNF. And it had very intresting moments with Josh, Ranger Logan and Brighet. In the book give it a boy, his name is Josh. He and his mom travel to the WNF, because his mom is a little bit ill, from the air from the city. Josh meet a Ranger, his name is Ranger Logan. He help him in lots of problems. I like the book, because you learn lots of things about the WNF.


Review Pepper Spray in Paradise

Josh is a nice boy who likes photograph. He and his mother just move because his mother will be ill at New Jersey. I like that there are so much animals, like squirrels or deer. At the WMNF (White Mountain National Forest) he is very happy there. The Chapters are short, and the book are very short, it can be longer. The book is good but I don’t buy the book for my kids because the book is short and I didn’t like the story.