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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).The Grand Canyon
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Now you exersise:
I can see:
– red sand, maybe vulcan sand
– Stones like a ring
– there is aso a little ring in the middle of the huge ring of stones.
I think they used it to:
– live there
– pray there
– hide there for storms animals etc.
Now you S.10
I can see in the photo:
lots of rocks and in the backwoards are trees In the middle from the rocks is Sand In the picture stand ARIZONA
I think that they die
Lisa Marie
Now you p. 10
On the picture I can see a circle made of big, grey stones and in this circle another one which is a bit smaller. In the background are green bushes and trees. In the circle is red and brown sand and little brown stones.
I think, people did there 800 years before vodoo or incantations with a dead black chicken in the middle of the circle and people who sing and speak to the ghosts. Or the people sat there in the circle and made music with some stones or they sang.
10 Now you (page 12)
To raise money you can work for your parents, your neighbours, for your grand parents or for many other people. For example you can cut the grass, wash cars, feed pets, do babysitting, sell some things you don't need any more. You can spend it for new clothes, new DVDs and CDs or you don't spend it, when you want to have it later.
Now you p. 8
On the Grand Canyon I would most like to take pictures because it’s a very awesome and great view. In addition I would like to do a mule trip because mules are very interesting animals and it’s an overnight trip. It’s very cool and interesting.
1. Caitlin:
On the Grand Canyon Caitlin crossed with her family tree time zones. It took their three and a half days. Caitlin and her family had camped at two different places on the rim and took trips in the car or hiked from there.
2. Gracie: She went with her family to a Havasupai Reservation which took 100 miles to drive and six hour to hike.
3. Luis: He did with his youth group a ride which took about nine hours. On the way they had singed songs. They slept in tents and they cooked on their own. They had use binoculars and tools in a discovery pack.
4. Jake: Jake went straight to the rim of the Canyon. Then he walked down into the Canyon and saw a condor.
Now you S. 10
I can see a circle, made of stones and in the circle is another one, which is smaller. In the background I can see the forest. In the circle is red and brown gravel and two wooden poles.
I think 800 years before, people did there voodoo with a black chicken and curse with it poeple. But I think they summoned Ghosts too.
Now You p.10
1) What you can see in the foto? A round place, with stones in a forest
2) What do you think people did there 800 years ago? I think 800 years ago a small settlement with many people lived there. And this place is now a famous sight.
Luca, Lara
Now you p. 10
- I can see lots of big stones.
- I can see a stone circle with lots of Stones
- The stonecircle is in a forest.
- Around the stone circle I can see lots of trees and bushs.
I can see in the photo
- lots of stones
- old trees
- red sand
- lots of sticks
- grass
I think they used it too
- eat them
- sleep there
- play there
Now you P. 13
I would like to visit the Grand Canyon Skywalk because there I have a fantastic view about the gorge, the colourful stones and river. I would like to make a lot of pictures from the crowded and the nature. But I'm a little bit scary because it's so high. I think i have a lot of fun there.
Facts About Route 66
1. Exited: 26. November 1926
2. It´s a tourist Route.
3. The Route goes from California and ends in Los Angeles.
Route 66
2 Facts about the Route 66:
1.Route 66 starts in Chicago and ends in Los Angeles at Santa Monica Beach.
2.Route 66 used to be longer, however, it was not completely preserved and is only 3945 kilometres.
At the photo a can see many stones in a circle. At the circle I can see a shift. At the background i can see the nature with many threes. The stones were big an little the change.The threes are change too
Now you S.11
I cut grass by other people and I steal the trash cans from others peoples.
I would spend it on a PS4.
If I spend it on a class trip, I would go to Mallorca
S.12 Now you
- The route 66 is together with the Lincoln Highway the first paved road to the westcoast.
- It was called "Main Street of America" in older times.
6) I can see much rocks and red sand. The rocks are standing in a circle.
I think people where going there because there were water.
7) People at my school are spending money on the meals.
I like to spend money on my meals.
Route 66 was the longest street and it’s used in many videogames. Now you can’t use all the street. It’s through 8 states and it’s and it’s 3945 km long.
P.12 no.10
Route 66
Route 66 was legendary at the beginning and still has charm and a cult. Even today, the existing sections of the route is still the number 1 target of millions of visiters. Mother Road it is affectionately called by her admirers.
– 1926 first highway to the American West Coast
– Begins in Chicago – ends in Los Angeles
– Was created by combining mostly existing roads
– Farmer from Texas and Oklahoma fled because of lack of work or because of poorly paid work, through the arid region, on Route 66 to California to get a part of the rich orchards. This action comes nicely in connection with the slogan „Go West“
– In the 50 years, the road was one of the most important compounds in America, because it drove many people to the west, as established by armor and weapons industry by the end of WW2 many jobs.
– 1970 again took place record attempts including the Cannonball race
– 1985 revoked the designation U.S. Highway
– The U.S. Route 66, the economy has accelerated, increased jobs and increased trade could be consummated. Was able, for example, motels are also petrol stations shops along the route. San Bernardino Oklahoma Springfield have received even has its own connection to Route 66.
The way
Illinois (484km) – Missouri (510KM) – Kansas (21km) – Oklahoma (695KM) Texas (299KM) – New Mexico (748KM), Arizona (654) – California (505KM) a total of (3939KM) While most streets were laid out in the west square, the Route 66 on the other hand was parallel to the rail links. Between Kingman and Seligman Oatman today is the most far-keeping section of the Route 66 The tour ends in Los Angeles to the pier in Santa Monica.
Background information
Now the „Route 66“ is a symbol of freedom and let people remember the old days. Mainly it is still used by tourists and parts of it were even under the name „Historic Route 66 designated as a landmark of cultural significance.
Page 12/ Route 66
Now You
On the internet, find out two more interesting facts about Route 66.
-Route 66 is 2448 miles long (this are about 4000 km)
-The Route crosses 8 states and 3 different time zones.