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p. 39

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  • 1: A vegetarian cannot have any meat or fish dishes and must choose from one soup (garlic soup), two salads (Greek salad, home-made salad), and three main dishes (baked potato and two pasta dishes)
  • 2: Someone who doesn’t eat pork would have to know that none of the main meat dishes would be good options because they will have pork meat in them
  • 3: Someone who doesn’t like spicy food should not have goulash soup (because it’s made with paprika) or the sausage dish with curry sauce
  • 4: Someone who is allergic to tomatoes should not have the Greek salad, the home-made salad or the vegetable lasagne

c) examples

  • Putenstreifen, that’s turkey that has been cut up in thin slices
  • Cordon bleu, that’s a meat dish made of pork filled with cheese and ham
  • Ofenkartoffel, that’s a potato that has been baked