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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).pp. 52f.
Results p. 53
1 Because the story is about the freedom of speech. Mr. Neck is oppressing David and doesn’t let him talk or express his opinion.
I think he’s politically conservative, because he wants to protect the “real Americans” from the foreigners, for example, by closing the borders of the USA. He also says, that his son can’t get work just because of the foreigners. He also tells everybody who doesn’t share his opinion not to speak and I think he is not likeable. Mr. Neck is a person who wants to be right and he doesn’t care about other opinions.
I think David is a persistent person who insists on his rights, while Mr. Neck is someone very conservative and he doesn’t take care much about the rights of other people.
The teacher is against immigration and David has no problem with immigration.
Today, we had a debate in class about immigration and if it is good or bad, that there are foreigners. As the debate went on, David said some things that Mr. Neck didn’t like, so he told David to sit down and shout his mouth. I think this is really not likeable, because Mr. Neck judged David just because he has another opinion. Ok, he was also a bit unfriendly, but Mr. Neck should not tell him to shout his mouth in a debate just because it is not his opinion. David went out of the class in the end and I think, he has definitely the right to leave class, because Mr. Neck didn’t let him the right of speech and that shouldn’t be so in a democracy.