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Hendrik's Reading Log

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Chapter 1

The first chapter of "Snakeman" talks about the girl Cathy who's new at Portland High School. That's her third school she visits. She wants to play her role of the "cute and nice girl" before her new classmates will know her really because she wants to be part of a group and not an outsider. On her first day at school, the homeroom teacher Mr. Deedles introduces her to her new class. Then she gets interviewed for the newspaper. They talk a lot about her hobbies, riding and reading. After that, Jamie asks Cathy to write for the school newspaper too. She wants it but because of her role she wants to play. She tolds him that she will think about it. The teachers are also nice but she doesn't like the math teacher because she couldn't stand math.

Chapter 2

The second chapter of "Snakeman" is about Cathy and a boy who looks like a snake. Cathy meets the Snakeman, that is how she calls him, in front of her locker. She is very afraid of him because he looks very scary. The boy isn´t alone. He comes with two other boys. Cathy says her name but he already knows her. Cathy hasn´t sing her to any list but he says that he has signed her to the list. Now, she is in his club and should pay 5$ every week. She won´t be in this club, but he says that she must because otherwise, it will happen something to her brother Mike.

Chapter 3

In the third chapter, Cathy goes at home after school was ended. In the bus, Cathy thinks about the things which happened before a few minutes. When she is home Cathy tells her little brother nothing from the Snakeman. Cathy acts as if nothing happened. Then she asks Mike how his first day was. He means it was good. After this dialog, Mike goes to the park to play football and Cathy is happy to be alone with her minds. She goes to her room and there she thinks that she will tell her mom about her problem in a few days.

Chapter 4

After a few weeks of paying money Cathy realizes something weird. The Snakeman keeps looking on her necklace. The Snakeman wants that a friend checks the necklace if it´s fake or not. Cathy doesn´t want to give her necklace away so she says no. The Snakeman doesn´t care about that. After he has the necklace Cathy walks home. She feels bad and she doesn´t want to pay the money. After a while the phone rings it´s Jamie and he wants her to join the newspaper. Later Cathy wants to make a tryout basis. She only thinks about the Snakeman. After a while, she knows her next step against the Snakeman.

Chapter 5

Chapter five is about the meeting of Cathy with the principal, Dr. Callahan. Cathy has arranged an appointment with him. He asks Cathy to come in and when she enters the room, he stands up and asks Cathy to have a seat. They talk about outdoor living and the principal narrates about his summer home on the coast. He says that he would spend all his time after this year with his wife there. The appointment lasts about a couple minutes. On Cathy’s opinion, he seems friendly but he has something that Cathy doesn’t like. He seems nervous. Whatever Cathy thinks that he isn’t the right person to talk to.

Chapter 6

In the sixth Chapter of the book meets Cathy Mr. Black. Mr. Black is a counsulor on Cathy´s school. Cathy thought a long time if she tell him about the Snakeman. She told him at first, that she has a little problem. She told him about her stolen necklace. Cathy was very unsure when the conservation ended. She crossed Mr. Black on her list. Now she has to search a new person which Cathy can be tell about the Snakeman.

Chapter 7

In chapter seven of the novel Cathy tells her mother everything about the Snakeman and that he will hurt her and her brother when she doesn‘t cooperate with him. Her mother reacts shocked and wants to know if her daughter had talked with a teacher or the principal about it. Then Cathy tells her the Snakeman gets a lot of pupils and teachers on his side, so she can‘t trust everyone. Eileen wants to help her but Cathy tells her she first only wants to find people who can help her. Eileen is sceptical about this strategy because she wants to protect Cathy but she trusts her and first keeps herself out of the problem. Bouth doesn‘t want to tell Mike about the Snakeman because they think it will be too hard to him. They will warn him when the Snakeman finds out what Cathy is up to.

Chapter 8

At the beginning of chapter eight she continued with her list but she concentrate on her class mates and her teachers. Later Jamie asked her to go canoeing with him. She really wanted to say yes but she never sat in a canoe. She said yes and they both went canoeing so first everything was nice but than a storm came over. Because of the storm they were fallen in the water. When thy came out off the water they eaten soething and sat next to a campfire. They tickled each other and had a lot of fun. Later they went back to the water and saw much wild animals and feeded them. AT the end of the trip, they stand togeter and looked into the sky, Holding their Hands and Cathy felt very Close to Jamie. Finally Jamie kissed her.

Chapter 9

Chapter nine is about a “Change” between the Snakeman and Cathy. Cathy should get a tattoo. First the Snakeman shows Cathy his tattoos, a dragon and other. Then the Snakeman asked Cathy if she wanted came with him and drive with him on his chopper. He said also that Cathy has one week. Later, at the way home Cathy thought about the offer from the Snakeman. Cathy realized that the Snakeman wanted she and not that he didn´t want the money. Because that Cathy made a new plan.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 is about a dream of Cathy. She dreams about her and the Snakeman. The Snakeman is on a ride on his chopper with her. They stop on a mountain. As Cathy can see clearly she sees Dr. Callahan and Mr. Black. Snakeman wants her to kiss him. She tries to run away but the Snakeman hold on her. Suddenly she wakes up because her mother stands next to her. Her mum asks why she´s crying. Cathy answer, she had a bad dream.

Chapter 11

In the chapter 11 Cathy tells Jamie about her deal with Snakeman and her thoughts. She thinks that Mr Callahan and Mr Black are on the side of Snakeman. She has a bad feeling. In her opinion Snakeman has a big gang and school under his control. Together with Jamie and the other she wants to fight against the gang. Jamie is very afraid about this situation and worries about Cathy.

Chapter 12

In chapter 12 Jamie and Cathy go the Mrs Southerland. They talk abourt the article which Cathy wants to publish about the snakemen but Mrs Southerland don't like the idea and Jamie is also on the side from Mrs southerland so she begin to cry and end the friendship with Jamie.

Chapter 13

The 13th chapter deals with the conversation with Cathy and Jamie. At the beginning Cathy shows Jamie her dragontattoo. Jamie is very surprised about that and wants to talk with her. Cathy wants to finish the relationship with Jamie because he let her alone and didn‘t help her. Jamie is very shocked and sad about this situation. The only way to continue the relationship with Cathy is that he makes Ms. Southerland allowed to write the report for the newspaper. Jamie is in a bad situation, but he wants to do it.

Chapter 14

In chapter 14 Jamie asked Ms. Southerland about the article in the School- Newspaper. Jamie tells Cathy Ms. Southerland said no and she fired him. He promises he will bring a special edition about the Snakeman without a permission of Ms. Southerland. Cathy explains him the risks but Jamie doesn´t care Cathy is very happy about that.

Chapter 15

In the 15th chapter of the novel snakeman, Jamie and Cathy issue their own Group with 12 members, (six of them bodyguards and the rest staff member). First Jamie says the plan. After that bring a man with a van the newspaper to Jamie and the other. At the break the sell the Newspaper just a half hour than were there nothing. After Cathy and Jamie must go to the principal.

Chapter 16

The Chapter 16 is about the meeting with Ms. Southerland, Dr. Callahan, and Jamie. They must come, about the newspaper. After that dr. Callahan’s phone rings. There was Mayor Simpsons, Dr. Callahan wants to explain all about the newspaper but he can’t. Moreover Mayor Simpsons says that he calls the police. After that they explain why they don’t help her and say sorry.