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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Nele's Reading Log
Chapter 1
The novel “Snakeman” was written by Paul Davenport. The first chapter of Snakeman (page 5-7) is about a girl who named Cathy Crosby. Cathy is new at the Portland High-School. In the last four or five years she has changed her school for three times. On the first day at the new school she meets her homeroom teacher, Mr. Deedles. He introduced Cathy to the class and then the lesson start. After the lesson Cathy goes out the class room and a boy, who named Jamie Hanson, wants to interview Cathy. Cathy likes Jamie and her face felt a little bit warm when she sees him. Cathy likes most of her teachers, the Spanish teacher (Mr. Ferrero), the Chemistry teacher (Mr. McPherson), but she doesn‘ t like her math teacher (Mr Arnold). Cathy´s hobbies are riding a horse and reading books. When the interview has finished Jamie asks her if she likes to work for the school newspaper and Cathy say that she would thing about it.
Chapter 2
The second chapter of Snakeman is about Cathy and a man who looks like a snake. Cathy meet the „Snakeman“ in front of her locker. She is very afraid of him, because he looks very scary. The man isn´t alone. Two other boys are with him. She says her name, but he only knows her and she is on his list. Cathy hasn´t sing her to any list but he says that he has signed her. Now, she is in his club and she should hand about the money and she must pay 5$ dues every week. She won´t be in this club, but he says that she must because otherwise it will happened something to her or her brother Mike. Then the „Snakeman“ and his boys hurried away.
Chapter 3
In chapter three of the novel, Cathy drives with the schoolbus at home. In the bus, Cathy tought about what happened in schhol just a few minutes ago. At home she comes in the kitchen and tells her brother about the first day in school and her brother does the same. She tells that the day wasn´t bad and checked Mike´s reaction to make sure that he doesn´t realise that something bad happened. But Mike´s reaction is normal. After the conversation Mike go to the park to play baketball. Till her mother comes at home, Cathy thinks about if she should tell or not tell her mum about the problem. And then she decide to wait a few days. Her mum comes late and tell Cathy about her problems at her new job. Then Cathy goes to her room and after two hours she has a strategy to deal with the Snakeman.
Chapter 4
The fourth chapter of the novel deals with the next weeks of the Snakeman and Cathy. Every week Cathy give him the 5$ and he doesn´t do something to Cathy. But after a while, Cathy notices a change. And on a day he comes to her and steals her necklace. The one her mom had given to her on her last birthday. Cathy is very angry of herself that she doesn´t do something to keep the necklace. At home she thinks long about what to do and kows that her strategy of non-resistance had failed. In her thoughts Jamie calls. He wants to know if Cathy thought about working for the newspaper and they make a deal. Cathy would come to one or two meetings and if she likes it, she would stay in the group. After he call Cathy thinks about the Snakeman, again. After a while she has a new strategy. She wants look around the school and serch for people or teachers, she feel she could trust. And she realises that she can´t beat the Snakeman alone.
Chapter 5
The chapter five is about the converation of Cathy and the principal, Dr Callahan. Cathy must wait before the principal´s office a few minutes and then the secretary say that the principal is waiting for her. Cathy goes to the principal and they talk a few minutes small talk. Dr Callahan seems friendly but Cathy thinks that there´s something behin his friendly manner that warn Cathy not to say what is on her mind. Even when she has only hinted at her problem, he has started pulling at his tie and clearing his troat nervously. And so Cathy leave the principal´s room with the certain feeling that she can´t talk with Dr. Callahan about the Snakeman and his gang.
Chapter 6
In the 6th chapter of the novel, Cathy observes the teachers and the pupils to write them on her list. She writes the names in one of the three cracks. She differs between those she feel she can trust, those she feel she can´t trust and those she isn´t sure about. She wants to start with Mr Black, the counselors, who is one on the list of those Cathy thinks she can trust. First they talk about the new school and then Cathy wants to see his reaction on other problems. She say that her necklace was stolen. He reacts worried. He say that he wants to find her necklace but he says too that it´s hard to catch school thieves. Cathy isn´t longer sure if he doesn´t say the truth and when the conversation ends, Cathy leave his office. But before she leave the room, she has crossed Mr. Black off the list of those she can tust.
Chapter 7
In chapter 7 of the novel, Cathy tells her mum about the Snakeman and his strategy. Eileen, Cat´s mum, is sursprises and asks Cathy why she didn´t tell her before. Cathy says that she didn´t tell her before, because her mum has enough problems at her new job. After Cathy tell her mum the whole story, they think about a solution for the problem. They want to find other pupils and teachers who are on Cathy´s side.
Chapter 8
In the 8th chapter of the novel Snakeman, Cathy continues her work on her list. She concentrates on her classmates and on her teachers. The situation with the Snakeman improves and Cathy and Jamie become more and more friends. Then they go canoe and suddenly a storm rages on. A lightning flashes the sky. They capsize and swim to the shore. There they make a fire and give each other a massage. Then they tickle each other and have fun. When they are dry, they paddle through a beautiful countryside and in the sunset they put the canoe out of the the water. And then, Jamie kisses Cathy.
Chapter 9
The 9th chapter is about the change between the Snakeman and Cathy. The Snakeman is looking different at her. At one day, he says to Cathy that she should thinks about a tattoo and he shows her his dragon tattoo on his chest. Then he links her with a chopper and asks her if she wants to drive with him. For the answer she has one week. At the way home, Cathy thinks about the change in the Snakeman and then she realises that he doesn´t want the money or the jewelry, he wants her! Then At the end, Cathy makes a new plan.
Chapter 10
In the 10th chapter Cathy has a bad dream about the Snakeman. She dreams that he tooks her on a high mountain and there are Mr Black and Dr Callahan, too. She wants that they help her but they weren´t there. Then the Snakeman wants Cathy to his girl and suddenly it isn´t a head from a human it´s a head from a snake. Cathy wants to flee from him but he is faster. Then the creature wrapps itselfe slowly auround her and the she does the last breath. And weaks from her mothers voice up.
Chapter 11
In chapter 11 Cathy tell to Jamie about the Snakeman. After the stuff meeting Cathy and Jamie rest in the room. Cathy tells Jamie everything about the Snakeman and her plan. After she told him, he say that he will help her to find people and teachers who are on her side to fight against he Snakeman. To find this people Cathy wants to write an article in The Bacon, the school newspaper. But it doesn´t come out till the next week. So they want to induce Ms. Southerland to bring the newspaper before.
Chapter 12
The chapter 12 deals with the conversation between Ms. Southerland and Jamie and Cathy. From the beginning on this meeting Cathy feels that something was wrong. Cathy sits alone and Jamie sits next to Ms Southerland. The meeting was short, because Ms. Southerland won´t bring the newspaper before and she won´t that something bad stand in the school newspaper besides she don´t takes the problem seriously . Then Cathy want that Jamie say something, but he is on Ms. Southerland´s side. Also the meeting ends with a bad decision for Cathy and with a argument between Cathy and Jamie.
Chapter 13
The chapter is about the conciliation of Cathy and Jamie. Cathy and Ophir ate pizza if Jamie arrives. He wants to talk with Cathy, but alone, and so they talk. But first Cathy shoes Jamie a dreagon tattoo on her arm. He is very shocks and he feels bad because of Cathy´s change. They discuss who desert who. Then Jamie askes, if there is a way they can back together and Cathy says that he must go to Ms. Southerland and make her see that she must let us print that story. Jamie trys to persuade her and then Cathy shows him that the tattoo is faked. On this chapter Cathy knows the real name of the Snakeman. His name is Gordon Backer.
Chapter 14
The 14th chapter is about the result from the conversation of Jamie and Ms Southerland. Jamie say Cathy that Ms Southerland said no and that he lost his job as editor, but then he says that they will bring out a special edition from The Beacon, without Ms Southerland´s permission. Cathy is so happy that he says that. But then she tells him what it is for a risk, but he want´s help her however.
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 is about the special edition of The Bacon. Cathy and Jamie give theirselves a own group with twelve people. Six of them are bodyguards and the other six are saff members. Jamie explaines the plan and then they export the plan. A van with a man comes to the parking area behind the cafeteria and he gives the packages to Jamie and the others. They bring them in the school and the the bell rang. A half hour pupils buy the newspapers and then it was done and every single copy was sell out. In afternoon Cathy and Jamie must go to the principal, but they don´t know why.
Chapter 16
The 16th chapter is about the conversation with Mrs Southerland, Dr Callahan, Cathy and Jamie. They must come in the bureau because of the newspaper. The both adults semm angry. The students want to tell the adults why they did it and then Dr Callahan´s phone ring. The Mayor Simpson is on the phone and he knows about the problem. Dr Callahan wants to explain everything, but he can´t. The Mayor says that the police is called and that there are a press conference on evening. Then Dr Callahan explained Cathy why he didn´t do anything against the Snakeman and then they talk over the press conference. Dr Callahan and Mrs Southerland say sorry to Cathy and Jamie and he says thank you to her to save the school forward more problems.
Chapter 17
The 17th chapter deals with the end of the Snakeman. The police wants to catch the Snakema, but he wasn´t anywhere. Because of Cathy´s fear, her mother Eileen says that she can does a group to talk about it. Cathy did it and it names „THE SNAKEMAN SYNDROME“. In the beginning they were only a handful of pupils, but after a few weeks the number had grown to over twenty pupils and it helps the pupils to handle the fear. But Cathy´s fear doesn´t go away, because he can come every time back. The final meeting of the group is a party and everyone is happy except for Cathy. But on this day Ophir comes to the party with a newspaper, the Boston Globe, and there stand that the Snakeman, Gordon Baker, is dead. He is fallen by an exchange of fire with the police. For the first moment Cathy is shocked, but now she feel lucky that the Snakeman never can come back.