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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Britishness
What does 'Britishness' mean to Britons?
Welsh, Scottish, Irish and English people form the Britons.'Britishness' can be defined like an identity that unites the all inhabitans of the United Kingdom, regardless of their ethnicity. The all cultures of Great Britain (Wales, Scottland, England) and Northern Ireland are part of this term. To British people, being British as a collective identity means being a part of this multicultural nation, respecting others during living side-by-side and accepting them and their cultures.
Another significant feature of them being in love with freedom and holding independence dear. Also being proud of who they are and loyalty to the Kingdom are very important for British people. People associate 'Britishness' with high standards, trust and class. That also means having a big influence or power on all over the world, being a big and chief part of it and its history.--May bal gla (Diskussion) 00:11, 9. Nov. 2018 (CET)Britishness