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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Negotiating Brexit
Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
Inhaltsverzeichnis[Verbergen] |
Hard Brexit
- breaking up every relation
- giving up to single market and customs union
- stop paying to EU
- choose their own trade partners
- new sets of rules (could bring disadvantages)
- "closed" borders (no immigration concerns)
- loss of free movements
- higher taxes on goods (big companies may mive away ===
Soft Brexit
- still good relation with EU
- staying in single market
- still paying EU
- still following rules made up by EU
- reagulations for free trade are the same
- free movement (no visas required)
- immigration concerns aren't dealt with
No deal
- trade with EU like every other country
- follwing rules made up by World Trading Organisation
- influence all over the world and truly independent
- high food prices within Great Britain
- possibly a disaster for business
- all in all circumstances similar to DDR ===