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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).The Brexit Referendum
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The Brexit Referendum
- voting in Britain about leaving the EU or remaining in it
- took place on 23 june 2016
- about 30 million people voted
- 'leave' won by 51.9% to 48.1%
- Britain will leave the EU on 29 March 2019
Reasons to remain
- stronger economy within the EU
- huge risk to leave them -> there is no going back
- better national security
- better sharing of information
- bigger influence on the world
- do not have to pay customs
- travelling becomes more difficult
- difficult for people who work in other European countries
Reasons to leave
- Britain wants to be independent and to have the free choice of trade partners and trade rules
- influence all over the world
- they do not want to pay money to the EU anymore because they do not receive enough back and it could be used well in the UK
- can impose higher taxes on products of the EU
- immigration concerns might be removed
- no payment into EU budget
- they can choose their trade partners and rules freely
- no access to the single market and customs union
- UK has to follow the rules of the WTO (World Trade Organization)
- no voice in the EU parliament
- big companies may move away
- need of visas to work in foreign countries